Each member presenting the ENDAS card can take advantage of the discouts provided by the local activities listed below.

In addition, the member can take advantage of the following national agreements:

I soci muniti di tessera potranno usufruire dello sconto del 10% edi un omaggio al primo acquisto nei seguenti punti vendita:

  • Piazza Doumant 4/31 - Genova (piscine di Albaro) tel. 0103629721;
  • Largo M. Ignota Sarissola Busalla (vicino coop, tel.0109640443;
  • Mumlita - Corsa Mallaotti, 48 -- tel. 01997359 Varazze (Sv)

Discounts and benefits to ENDAS members for clinical analysis (blood, urine, etc.). specialist visits and sports doctor, training courses and HACCP consultancies.

Address: Va Malerba 28/1 Busalla (Ge)

Phone: 0039 0109643182 

Address 2: Viale Pio VII 65 Genova

Phone.0039 0103741480

Address: Va Pisa 60r

Phone 0039 010 38579

I soci muniti di tessera Endas potranno fare acquisti presso il nogozio di Pontedecimo - Via Semini 32 cano, Tel. 010714921

Special facilities for opening banks accounts, insurance policies, etc. For information Dott. Pietro Fugazza tel. 0039 347 2312501 -0039 0105702750.

Prezzi agevolati per acquisto, assistenza, noleggi moto e scooter - Via M. di Robilant 321 - tel. 010:3627199

Bemer therapy, Cryotherapy, Pressotherapy, Magnetotherapy

Endas members will be given special ttarifs for therapeutic massage or treatments. For info Sg. Slatano Gianfranchi mobile 0039 3319851903 - Visits by appointment.

website: www.essegimassaggi.com.

Ai soci ENDAS sconto del 50% sul prodotti della linea medico-sportiva di primo soccorso, e agevolazioni per l'acquisto del defibrillatore semiautomatico - spedizioni in tutta Italia - Rif. Sgra Patrizia Pellizer cell. 3288696405

Discount on the purchase of tickets and subscriptions

Address: Piazza Odicini 9 Genova.

Phone: 0039 010'694240

Sconto del 20% por acquisto occhali da sole, da vista e lenti a contatlo, visita optometrica - Via Montovideo, 227 Genova tal. a fax 010/3620568

10% discount on the single ticket where agreed, discounts on subscriptions. For information: Dr. Pillepich 0039 010589329

sconti dal 3% al 10% per acquisto telefonla lissa e mobile, fax, elettronica, navigatori satellitari. DVD Videogames, TV (esclusi prodoll apple) attivazione SIM gratuita . Piazza della Vittoria 4547ir Genova tol. 010584648

Discount to buy tickets at the theaters counter by presenting the card.

Servizi agevolati a Gircoli Associazioni e soci Endas - Via B. Agnese 2 Genova tel. 3350065951

To Endas members discounts up to 20% on the purchase of goldsmith products, jewels, watches. Manufacturing, production and repair.

Address: Via Cantore, 257/R -16149 Genova

Phone: ù39 010460047

10% discount on men's and women's clothing.

Address: Via S. Vincenzo 7 Genova

ENDAS members are entitled to a 10% discount for specialist visits, laboratory analysis, diagnostics (rays, ecotomography, tac, etc.).

Performances with the ASL AGREEMENT are EXCLUDED.

Address: Piazza Nattino, 1 – 16154 Genova (GE)

Phone:  +39 010 6531442 / +39 010 6531438

Fax: +39 010 6531442

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Discounted prices for members in the following points of sale:

Piazza V. Veneto Sampierdarena (TIM)

Via San Luca, Gonova

Specialists in used guaranteed - info. Sig Andrea Mattei phone. 010463605 - 010467558

incentives to clubs and members for accounting, administrative, tax returns, etc..

Address: Studio Firpo di Firpo Raffaella
Via della Libertà 15/1
16129 Genova

Phone: +39 010/5958754
+39 010/5958035
 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Discounts to members for printing or typographic products.

Address: Via E. Mattei 13 Genova Manessero

Phone: 010712850

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To individual members and associations 20% discount for the purchase of prize-giving items (cups, plates, medals, etc.) agreed prices for the purchase of sports equipment and personalised gift items.

Address: Via A. Scribanti 27r Genova

Phone: 010/3628008

Website: allsportgenova.it

Discounts for Members and Associations registered with Endas - for information visit www.duferosenergia com or call the toll-free number 800 93 93 00.

Individual members can shop at the following stores:

  • Genova campi;
  • Genova struppa;
  • Carasco;
  • Busalla;
  • Casale Monferrato (Alessandria)

"Ascensore panoramico",  "La citta dei banbini", "Castello d'Albertis", "Galata Museo del mare". € 1.00 discount on puchase of single adult ticket.